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December 09, 2012


This is a new word that has just come into the English language:

babylag also baby-lag or baby lag

noun [uncountable]
A feeling of being very tired and sometimes confused because of the lack of sleep caused by looking after a very young bab.

babylagged (adjective)

'It's a feeling all new parents are more than familiar with. Not enough sleep at night leaves you feeling like a zombie during the day; caring for your baby and yourself while continuously craving nice, deep sleep. Now it's got a name; Baby Lag …'
PR Newswire 17th October 2012

'I'm 82% babylagged! Basically I'm bloody knackered with a teething 9 month daughter, lively toddler, stroppy teenager, travelling husband and part time job!
forum post, 17th September 2012

1 comment:

Decorator in Beaconsfield said...

I am totally agree.. Not enough sleep at night leaves you feeling like a zombie during the day!!