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December 08, 2011

Ellis Island

When reading chapter 2 from "American Cities" we learn about how European immigrants entered the US. They all stopped in Ellis Island, especially between 1892 and 1954. Watch this video about the facilities they had at the time. Do you think they were enough? How would you feel?



Isabel said...

I think this video is an interesting document about Ellis Islad.
I see on it that there were some facilities for the inmigrants, but I think there were not enought, considering they were persons who had crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a long journey.
Photos from the video are disturbing for me. If I were an inmigrant at that moment, who had just arrived, and my family was inmediatly divided,I guess I would feel quite frightened and humillated. But, at the same time I would feel relieved to have arrived so far.

Unknown said...

Well done, Isabel! Keep posting your opinion.
Just a short note:
"IMMigration" has double "mm", the same as "iMMediatly".