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March 09, 2011

Some reviewing

Dear NI1 students,

Why don't you practice some grammar and vocabulary in the British Council web page? Have fun!

- Past Perfect
- Future Plans
- be used to + Ving and used to+inf
- Question tags
- Past continuous and past simple
- Conditionals 1
- Comparisons
- Make vs do


Anonymous said...

Hi¡¡ I send you the link of the song in English with subtitle in English and Spanish.

I hope you have a great time.
Good look next Friday.

Carlos NI1 said...

I have a question, in the future plans exercise, there is a sentence that I'm no sure whether is correct or not.

"I'm going to go to the cinema with James."

In spite of the fact that is an arrangement it's used the structure I'M GOING TO GO TO instead of just I'M GOING TO...

As for the first structure I think I heard at class that was redundant,although I think I've heard in some movies say "I'm gonna go to "; that's why when I saw this structure in this activity I got puzzled.

I'd like to know which one is correct.

Unknown said...

Good question, Carlos!

"I'm going to go to the cinema" is grammatically correct even though it sounds repetitive. It sounds more natural if you say "I'm going to the cinema".

In colloquial English, as you said, you can hear "I'm gonna /gənə/ go to visit my parents next week."