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February 09, 2010

Everyday Language Strategies

Saying Hello / How are you?
Howdy! Hiya! How're things?
How are you doing?

What's up? / (in short, extra cool!)
Sup? (meaning, Hello, dudes / peeps / guys! What's going on?)
What have you been up to, lately? (Don't use it with people you don't know – to be up to something may indicate some naughty purpose, too!) meaning What have you been doing lately?

What's it like?
(Your friend is in NYC)
What's it like? (What's it like in NYC?) meaning, What is NYC like? (more detailed description) What did you do? Did you enjoy it?
(Your friend went to a party) What was it like? (meaning, How was that? (good/bad)
Me suena... (I think I know that...)
(You see someone, you don't remember who it is, suddenly you realize who it is! And that you know this person) I knew you looked familiar!
(Do you know "The Dangerous Kitchen"?) It (actually) rings a bell... (I must’ve heard about it, I may actually know about it but I can't remember just now)

It sucks – That sucks (Meaning I don't like it)
That is really bad / crappy / lousy...
That rocks – You rock (my world) (Meaning I love it!)
That's/You're really cool / You're so very important in my life...
Are you in? (Te/os apuntáis? Are you joining in?)
I'm In (me apunto)
Is it on? (Shall we do it? Have we got a deal here?)
It's on! (Hace! OK, then -- we've got a deal! We'll do it!)
I'm out of here! (I'm leaving right away!)
Get me out of here! (Help me escape!)
I want Out! (I want to leave right away!)
I want In! (I want to be part of that)

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